In June 2016 The Health Bloggers Community hosted their first ever awards ceremony titled the ‘HBC Blog Award’. The event was in collaboration with That Protein and sponsored ourselves along with several other great brands such as; Linwoods, Protein Haus, The Soil Association and several others. The awards were friendly and fun celebration of the fast-growing community of health bloggers which continues to grow and evolve each day.
Here at SuperFoodLx we have chosen to interview a few of the winners and finalists from the HBC Awards. Each interview provides a mini insight into each blogger but what SuperFoodLx liked the most about the interviews was learning about what makes a great health blog and each bloggers favourite health tips.
Today we will be interviewing UK plant based food blogger Rachel Evans from Healthy & Psyched who won the coveted title of Health Blogger of the Year at the Health Blog Awards 2016. When you get the chance, reach out and follow, like and subscribe to her respective channels on social media as they are a great way to stay informed on the health community.
Who are you and what do you do?
Hi, I’m Rachel a psychology PhD student and qualified Nutritional Therapist. On my blog- Healthy & Psyched- I share easy plant-based recipes, healthy lifestyle tips and much more. I want to make health and wellbeing accessible to everyone and inspire people to get creative in the kitchen with fruit and veggies.
What inspired you to start your blog?
I was inspired to start Healthy & Psyched to share my passion for healthy living. Food and exercise are my favourite topics of conversation and I think my boyfriend encouraged me to start blogging because he was fed up of me talking his ear off about another superfood powder he’d never heard of! I love finding out about new health foods and trends. I want to share what I learn with others because I genuinely think they’ll find it interesting and helpful as well.
What do you enjoy most about blogging?
I really enjoy connecting with my followers and other bloggers or brands. It really makes my day if someone leaves a nice comment and I value the online community that I’ve formed around my Healthy & Psyched social media accounts. It’s nice to talk to other people who get just as excited about healthy living as I do.
Do you have a favourite blog post and if so what is it and why?
I think my favourite post has to be my Avocado Chocolate Brownie Recipe (
I shared the brownies with my family and friends and they ALL loved it! And when the recipe went online it was so popular that it crashed my blog- Oops! It makes me really happy to see people enjoying what I’ve created and to know that I am helping people to make healthier versions of their favourite foods or use ingredients, such as avocado, in a new way.
What plans do you have for the future of your blog?
I’d love to redesign the website to make it a bit flashier!! I actually took a six week web design course, but I don’t feel ready to take on the challenge of website coding!
I’d also love to work with more bloggers and brands- everyone has such a unique message and special area of expertise that I want to help share.
If you had to choose one meal to eat everyday for one year, what would it be?
Oatmeal. I eat it pretty much every day as it is- I just love it so much. My favourite has to be superfood chocolate zoats with chia pudding on top ( This would be perfect to eat every day because it contains fruit, vegetables, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats and protein! All in one delicious bowl!
What do you do to relax and de stress?
I love taking a nice long bath with Epsom salts or a bath bomb! I do like to read in the bath but I have to admit that I do often go on my phone to check instagram or twitter! Unfortunately, I don’t have a bath in the rented house I live in at the moment, so I will try and go for a walk if I need to relax.
What is your least favourite health fad and why?
Low carb or low fat diets. I have tried them in the past and they’re just not sustainable for me. I end up feeling bad if I eat the offending food. It makes me much happier to eat whole plant-based foods with as many oats, potatoes and avocados as I want and let’s not forget about peanut butter!!
What is your favourite superfood?
Don’t make me choose! I think the answer to this would change every day depending which one I’d eaten most recently. I’m a big fan of lucuma for its sweet taste. I also like maca for its health benefits, although it took me a while to actually enjoy eating it!!
What is your most trusted natural remedy or keep healthy tip?
Eat vegetables every day! They contain so many nutrients, as well as essential dietary fibre, which contributes to physical health. It’s also a great psychological boost to know you’re being healthy through eating well.
If you could offer one piece of advice (about anything) what would it be?
If you’re cooking your oatmeal in the microwave always keep an eye on it! Turn your back for one second and it could explode all over the microwave and you don’t that mess to clean up!
Healthy & Psyched social media links