In June 2016 The Health Bloggers Community hosted their first ever awards ceremony titled the ‘HBC Blog Awards’. The event was in collaboration with That Protein and sponsored by ourselves along with other great brands such as; Linwoods, Protein Haus and The Soil Association. The awards were a friendly and fun celebration of the fast-growing community of health bloggers which continues to grow and evolve each day.
Here at SuperFoodLx we have chosen to interview a few of the winners and finalists from the HBC Awards. Each interview provides a mini insight into each blogger but what SuperFoodLx liked the most about the interviews was learning about what makes a great health blog and each health blogger’s favourite health tips.
Today we will be interviewing UK vegan food blogger Iona Bruce from IONABFIT who was a finalist at the Health Blog Awards 2016. When you get the chance, reach out and follow, like and subscribe to her respective channels on social media as they are a great way to stay informed on the health and fitness community.
Who are you and what do you do?
I’m Iona Bruce, 24 from Glasgow in Scotland. I’m a personal trainer, fitness coach and trampoline coach!
What inspired you to start your blog?
I wanted a place I could share fitness and lifestyle advice as well as recipes and what events are coming up in the area. I do this daily with my personal training clients but I wanted to be able to reach more people!
What do you enjoy most about blogging?
Connecting with other people, particularly other bloggers! I’ve met so many new friends through it and gone to lots of events because of it!
Do you have a favourite blog post and if so what is it and why?
I think my recent one on ‘Fitness Myths Busted – Part One’ because there’s so many things we hear about keeping fit or eating well which just aren’t correct but people believe them anyway and this post discusses some of these.
What plans do you have for the future of your blogs?
Just keep writing and try to expand my audience. Strangely, most of my audience is from abroad or England so I would like to focus more on gaining readers in Glasgow!
If you had to choose one meal to eat everyday for one year, what would it be?
My mums steak pie! Life’s all about balance and it’s amazing, oh and probably a cheeky bowl of salted caramel ice cream!
What do you do to relax and de stress?
Read a book somewhere quiet. If I can I try to escape to the west coast of Scotland and a peaceful island!
What is your least favourite health fad and why?
Certain juicing diets – you can make yourself really ill particularly when you start eating normally again! An old college of mine (not a personal trainer) did one before a wedding then was so ill from wedding food she wasn’t used to she missed the wedding!
What is your favourite superfood?
Does chocolate count?! No I think probably broccoli, it’s good for filling you up and I love it with a peanut butter sauce!
What is your most trusted natural remedy or keep healthy tip?
Pretty simple but drink at least 2 litres of water a day, it’s so good for your body, skin and mindset that there’s not really any excuse not to!
If you have a tip (recipe, natural treatment) for keeping yourself healthy
would you be able to provide one.
I eat lots of porridge with toppings! I used to hate it but no I have it most days as its great for giving me energy and I can easily vary what’s in it. This carrot cake oats recipe is my favourite http://www.ionabfit.com/2016/02/28/carrot-cake-oats/
If you could offer one piece of advice (about anything) what would it be?
Never make anyone feel like you’re not good enough and if you want to do something badly enough then you can do it… Oh and lift lots of weights:)
IONABFIT social media links
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ionabfit/
Pinterest https://uk.pinterest.com/ionabfit/
Twitter https://twitter.com/@ionabfit/