In June 2016 The Health Bloggers Community hosted their first ever awards ceremony titled the ‘HBC Blog Award’. The event was in collaboration with That Protein and sponsored ourselves along with several other great brands such as; Linwoods, Protein Haus, The Soil Association and several others. The awards were friendly and fun celebration of the fast-growing community of health bloggers which continues to grow and evolve each day.
Here at SuperFoodLx we have chosen to interview a few of the winners and finalists from the HBC Awards. Each interview provides a mini insight into each blogger but what SuperFoodLx liked the most about the interviews was learning about what makes a great health blog and each bloggers favourite health tips.
Today we will be interviewing UK health and fitness blogger Alison Flevill from My Big Fit Diary who was a finalist at the Health Blog Awards 2016. When you get the chance, reach out to them and follow, like and subscribe to their respective channels on social media as they are a great way to stay informed on the health community.
Who are you and what do you do?
I’m Ali. By day I work for a digital agency and by night I blog over at My Big Fit Diary, as well as writing for other health and fitness companies when I get the time.
What inspired you to start your blog?
After being at the gym for several years and finally getting into lifting weights I decided to start an Instagram to help keep me accountable. The more I posted the more friends and family asked about my nutrition and what I did at the gym so I thought starting a blog would be interesting for them, and for myself. It was also a great way for me to stay creative outside of work.
What do you enjoy most about blogging?
The best thing about blogging has to be meeting new people both online and in person. I’ve had the opportunity to get to meet other bloggers at events and also to meet and work with some great companies who have now become online friends. And I’d be lying if I said that recipe tasting wasn’t fun too!
Do you have a favourite blog post and if so what is it and why?
One of my favourite blog posts to both write and market was my Top 5 places to eat in Manchester. It was great to find out about these brands and to also sample some amazing food. The feedback I got on this was fab too, I had some lovely comments from both my readers and the featured brands – a few who I still speak to regularly now!
What plans do you have for the future of your blog?
I’m wanting to focus more on creating a better mix of content on a more regular basis.. I’d also like to start making some video content as soon as I get some spare time, and perhaps even host my own My Big Fit Event (there’s loads you can do with the name really!)
If you had to choose one meal to eat everyday for one year, what would it be?
Now you have me stumped. This is so hard! I don’t want to be a walking cliche and say smashed avocado and poached eggs on toast so I guess it would have to be some sort of salad – but not a boring salad… one that has everything, halloumi, olives, pomegranate, beetroot etc. etc. Or failing that a good black bean chilli with all the trimmings! mmmmm.
What do you do to relax and de stress?
Exercise!! There is nothing else (apart from sleep) that helps me to relax. Throwing a barbell around has to be the best way to release any tension. Plus I do Crossfit which has a great community making it even more relaxing as I get to throw around some iron and have a laugh with my gorgeous superhuman friends.
What is your least favourite health fad and why?
I’d probably have to say Matcha Lattes. Although I have used matcha in a delicious recipe – http://www.mybigfitdiary.com/matcha-and-lime-raw-cheesecake/ – matcha lattes definitely don’t do it for me. Tastes like drinking soil and not nearly as enjoyable as a regular latte!
What is your favourite superfood?
Oh chia seeds every time – they are a staple in my pantry! I just love how versatile they are, as well as being a great source of fibre, protein and healthy fats.
What is your most trusted natural remedy or keep healthy tip?
Warm lemon water. I have a running joke with my friend who prescribes warm water for everything, but it works! Even better with lemon and a touch of apple cider vinegar – it’s great for your digestion and really good for your skin.
If you could offer one piece of advice (about anything) what would it be?
When it comes to fitness (and just about anything in life) my number one tip is always ‘find something you love’ there is no point running on the treadmill or lifting weights if you hate doing it, you’re less likely to put maximum effort in and you definitely won’t stick to it. Instead try yoga, pilates, lifting, cycling, body pump, boxing etc. etc. etc. until you find something you can do several times a week for the rest of your life.
My Big Fit Diary social media links