Superfoods can be excellent side treatment to enhance your overall health and stimulate natural hair growth bringing new, strong and glossy hair. Here we will discuss the best natural oils to use to strengthen your scalp and current hair as well as encourage hair growth
Superfoods are often used to increase your overall health and wellness since they bring a high amount of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other essential components that can take balance back to your system. However, do you know some superfoods can be used to stimulate and increase natural hair growth? Here are some of the best choices:
Seeds for overall health and hair growth
As you may know by now, seeds can provide multiple main nutrients with little to no calories at all. Some of these nutrients that may promote hair growth are vitamin E, zinc and selenium.
In addition to this, some seeds like sunflowers can provide the vitamin E and the variety of vitamin B that your hair needs, while flaxseeds and chia seeds can also provide the essential omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for hair growth.
But before taking any of these seeds, make sure to mix them all: these will increase the amounts of vitamins, nutrients and amino acids you will effectively consume.
Here are some other seeds that can be taken or used in the form of oils or as conditioning hair products to stimulate hair growth and hair health:

Papaya seed
The papaya is more than a delicious fruit but also a superfood with a high number of nutrients which offers several health benefits. Some of its properties are that it can provide vitamins A, B, and C, as well as proteolytic enzymes, such as papain and chymopapain, also has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties.
By making a hair conditioning mask with half of the papaya and a cup of coconut oil, you can benefit your scalp and current hair by nourishing, strengthens, and effectively protecting them. Moreover, conditioning hair treatments that content papaya as the main ingredient may help to stimulate hair growth activity as well as controlling and preventing dandruff.
Watermelon seed
The watermelon seed is one of the most recent discoveries for hair loss. When used in the form of oil, you can apply it cold into your scalp and massage it to efficiently prevent hair loss thanks to its powerful antioxidant properties. It also helps to hydrate and nourish your scalp and hair.
Cucumber seed
This oil is excellent to promote healthy, shiny and strong new hair growth since it can help you to bring back the lost elasticity to your hair. Specially made for curly hair, cucumbers seed oil can prevent breakage as well as split ends while encouraging new hair growth and reducing hair loss.
Moringa oil as a treatment for hair growth
Moringa is a seed that comes from the Himalayan mountains and is a superfood that contains many nutritional compounds, including monounsaturated fats, protein, sterols, and tocopherols important for several nutritional, medicinal and now hair health purposes.
You can use moringa oil trough conditioning hair treatments to provide in an easy, fast and direct way all the renown benefits directly to your hair, and scalp or you can also create your nutritional hair treatment with 2 cups of almond oil, 5 to 10 drops of moringa oil and 5 to 10 drops of lavender oil to guarantee you will enjoy of all the essential benefits.
Sea buckthorn for your scalp health
Sea buckthorn oil comes from the fruits of this plant and has become very popular recently as an efficient way to provide skincare and hair health thanks to its 190 nutrients and phytonutrients.
It also possesses vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin E as well as is an excellent source of Omegas 3, 6, 9 and 7, along with many other nutrients and antioxidants. All these excellent ingredients encourage scalp health by enhancing scalp circulation thus improving natural hair growth and maintenance due to a better scalp circulation.
Use it as a conditioning treatment to maximised the desired results.
Seje-ungurahua ( 'rahua')
This oil original from the Amazon comes from a plant called the Seje Palm and it has been used for centuries for women in South America to improve the strength and health of their hair, skin, and nails.
With the use of ungurahua oil, you will help your scalp to regenerate, thus stimulating new hair growth and maintenance by improving scalp circulation. You can also prevent hair thinning, dandruff, and future hair loss with it.
To purchase scientifically supported solutions to improve hair strength, growth rate and scalp health using these essential minerals, shop the above oil blend here.
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